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  • Dr. Judith Leitch Added to Diversity Scholars Network through the National Center for Institutional Diversity at the University of Michigan!

    Dr. Judith Leitch Added to Diversity Scholars Network through the National Center for Institutional Diversity at the University of Michigan!

    We are delighted to share the news that Dr. Judith Leitch has been added as a Diversity Scholar through the National Center for Institutional Diversity at the University of Michigan! The Diversity Scholars Network (DSN) is an interdisciplinary, multi-institutional community of scholars committed to advancing understandings of historical and contemporary social issues related to … Continued

  • Dr. Yarneccia Dyson Has Been Awarded the CSWE Early Career Faculty Service and Leadership in Social Work Education Award

    Dr. Yarneccia Dyson Has Been Awarded the CSWE Early Career Faculty Service and Leadership in Social Work Education Award

    The CSWE Board of Directors voted unanimously to award Dr. Yarneccia Dyson the prestigious CSWE Early Career Faculty Service and Leadership in Social Work Education Award. The award recognizes a social work educator with fewer than 10 years of service who has advanced and promoted social work education and provided … Continued

  • Dr. Rebecca Adams  Has Been Selected to Receive the Gladys Strawn Bullard Award

    Dr. Rebecca Adams Has Been Selected to Receive the Gladys Strawn Bullard Award

    Dr. Rebecca Adams has been selected as the faculty recipient of the 2021 Gladys Strawn Bullard Award. The Bullard Award is given annually to a faculty member who has shown commendable initiative and perseverance in their leadership and/or service role at the University. See more details on the announcement here. Plans … Continued

  • Dr. Meredith Powers Authored the Most Downloaded Article in 2020

    Dr. Meredith Powers Authored the Most Downloaded Article in 2020

    Dr. Meredith Powers’ article “Degrowth for Transformational Alternatives as Radical Social Work Practice” was one of the most downloaded articles published in Critical and Radical Social Work in 2020. It has been included in their ‘most read collection’. You can find the full list of most read articles here.

  • Dr. Yarneccia Dyson Presents Key Recommendations from the Task Force to Advance Anti-Racism

    Dr. Yarneccia Dyson Presents Key Recommendations from the Task Force to Advance Anti-Racism

    Dr. Yarneccia Dyson was invited by our (Council on Social Work Education/CSWE) accrediting body to join the newly formed Task Force to Advance Anti-Racism in Social Work Education, and was asked to Co-Lead the Curriculum Development Work Group. Watch below as she presents key recommendations from the Work Group during the Membership Meeting at the Virtual Conference. … Continued

  • Dr. Meredith Powers Receives HNAC MIni-Grant for SBC Garden Project

    Dr. Meredith Powers Receives HNAC MIni-Grant for SBC Garden Project

    The “Service and Bravery Commemorative Garden” (SBC Garden) will be established in Greensboro to honor military service members and veterans who are transgender, gender non-conforming and non-binary.  We expect that establishing the SBC Garden will foster opportunities for individual and collective contemplation, reflection, healing, care, and growth as community members are … Continued

  • Dr. Tyreasa Washington Is an Expert Panelist for an Invited Symposium Hosted by the SSWR Board

    Dr. Tyreasa Washington Is an Expert Panelist for an Invited Symposium Hosted by the SSWR Board

    Dr. Tyreasa Washington is an expert panelist for an Invited Symposium hosted by the Society for Social Work and Research (SSWR) Board. The panel is “Driving Social Change: Developing, Navigating, and Promoting a Public Impact Agenda,” and is scheduled for Friday– January 22, 2021, 1:15 pm – 2:15 pm Presenters: Tyreasa Washington, … Continued

  • Professor Mathieu Despard Featured on WalletHub

    Professor Mathieu Despard Featured on WalletHub

    WHAT IS THE BIGGEST MISTAKE THAT PEOPLE MAKE WHEN DONATING TO CHARITY? Not doing enough background research about the organization. It is important that donors understand and believe in the organization’s mission, vision, and values, and believe that the organization’s current work – its programs, services, and activities – will … Continued

  • Dr. Yarneccia Dyson to Present Research at FHI 360

    Dr. Yarneccia Dyson to Present Research at FHI 360

    Dr. Yarneccia Dyson has been selected to present her research at FHI 360 during their “Evidence that Matters Series”. I will be presenting the findings from my sexual health needs research study and the title of my presentation is, “Using Implementation Science to Drive the Development of a Culturally Relevant HIV Prevention Intervention for Black … Continued

  • Dr. Meredith Powers Co-Authors Article

    Dr. Meredith Powers Co-Authors Article

    Dr. Meredith Powers co-authors article with former student, Harmony Chavis Co-Creating a “Sustainable New Normal” for Social Work and Beyond: Embracing an Ecosocial Worldview

  • Dr. Yarneccia D. Dyson, Dr. Danielle Swick, and Professor Beth Webb Had a Peer-Reviewed Article Accepted to the Journal Reflections: Narratives of Proffesional Helping

    Dr. Yarneccia D. Dyson, Dr. Danielle Swick, and Professor Beth Webb Had a Peer-Reviewed Article Accepted to the Journal Reflections: Narratives of Proffesional Helping

    We’re delighted to share the news that Dr. Yarneccia D. Dyson, Dr. Danielle Swick, and Professor Beth Webb had a peer-reviewed article accepted to the journal Reflections: Narratives of Professional Helping The article is titled, “Navigating a Pandemic, Racial Disparities, and Social Work Education through the Lens of the NASW … Continued

  • Dr. Yarneccia D. Dyson Receives Funding from the National Science Foundation (NSF)!

    Dr. Yarneccia D. Dyson Receives Funding from the National Science Foundation (NSF)!

    Dr. Yarneccia D. Dyson receives funding from the National Science Foundation (NSF) through a subaward from Winston-Salem State University (WSSU) with her Mentor, Dr. Naomi Hall-Byers, for the study, “Excellence in Research: Attitudes, Motivations, and Justifications Surrounding Interpersonal Aggression”.  The goal of this study is to better understand Intimate Partner … Continued