Social Work Students in Transformative SWK ‘Bootcamp’

Posted on October 25, 2021

Fran Pearson and student interns at the Interactive Resource Center

As Greensboro’s innovative day center for those experiencing homelessness, the Interactive Resource Center (IRC) offers free, no-questions-asked health services and counseling.

UNCG Professor Fran Pearson ’91, ’01 M.S.W. sees it providing real-world, hands-on experience for her students, as they provide impactful services for the IRC guests.

These Congregational Social Work Educational Initiative (CSWEI) interns are participants in a unique collaboration between UNCG, NC A&T, and Cone Health’s Congregational Nurse Program, funded by the Cone Health Foundation. Pearson’s background includes both nursing and social work. A “double alumna,” she received her Bachelor of Science in Nursing and her master’s degree in social work at UNCG.